Pekarna Zorman

Smo podjetje z 24 letno tradicijo. Naša primarna dejavnost je peka kruha in pekovskega peciva, sledita ji gostinska ter trgovinska dejavnost. Pekarna in njen proizvodni obrat se ukvarjata tako z veleprodajo kot tudi z maloprodajo. Naše izdelke lahko kupite v vseh boljših trgovinah na Koroškem, naši okrepčevalnici Minutka ter v naši lastni prodajalni na tržnici v Slovenj Gradcu. Najbolj smo poznani po rženem kruhu, tako v obliki hleba kot v obliki štruce. Poleg tega ponujamo tudi mešan kruh, tako hleb kot štruco, klasični bel kruh v obliki štruce ali francoske ter polnozrnat kruh. Kot pekovsko drobno pecivo so vam na voljo male, velike žemlje, makove ali sezamove štručke, polnozrnate štručke, sirova štručka, štručka s šunko, polnjen orehov rogljič, klasični rogljič, bige, krofi ponjeni z marmelado, čokoladni krofi, buhtelj, ...
02 Reviews for Thai’s Taste Restaurant
Author 1
Great place and very love it!
5.0 Excellent

This place is the epitome of an amazing college town diner! Badger decor, huge portions, completely affordable, hearty meals and awesome service!

Review 1 Review 2 Review 3
Author 2
Delicious & Fast Support
5.0 Excellent

This place is the epitome of an amazing college town diner! Badger decor, huge portions, completely affordable, hearty meals and awesome service! The ambiance is very chill and comfy. Just moved to Thai’s Taste and already went here twice (two days in a row) because there's really nothing like this place. It's going to be hard to find another place like this in regards to service, taste, portions & price! My husband and I will definitely be regulars here!

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