Gostilna pri Križmanu

Smo družinska gostilna v Tubljah pri Hrpeljah. Po štirih desetletjih uspešnega gostinskega delovanja smo ponudbo popestrili z domačim pivom. Postrežemo vam različne vrste piva, ki se odlično prilegajo zraven sveže pečenega odojka ter domačega kruha. Poleg tega vam ponujamo domače klobase, jedi z žara, joto, njoke z divjačino, rezance s tartufi,ter vse vrste ribe in morskih sadežev. Sladokuscem priporočamo, da poskusijo še naše domače sladice. Za preutrujene popotnike imamo na voljo tudi sobe. Gostilna in pivovarna Križman Kozina je odlična istrska gostilna, ki je v svoji ponudbi tradicijo križala s povpraševanjem. Na tem koncu Slovenije ne gre brez jot in minešter, ki pa so nevarno dobre. Tukaj je doma refošk, zato ga poskusite. Njoki z divjačino so svojevrstna poslastica; vsak dan dobite sveže pečenega odojka in specialiteto hiše – rezance s tartufi. Imamo tudi vse vrste rib in morskih sadežev ter jedi z žara. Vse sestavine so domače, prav tako delamo tudi svoj pršut in klobase.
02 Reviews for Thai’s Taste Restaurant
Author 1
Great place and very love it!
5.0 Excellent

This place is the epitome of an amazing college town diner! Badger decor, huge portions, completely affordable, hearty meals and awesome service!

Review 1 Review 2 Review 3
Author 2
Delicious & Fast Support
5.0 Excellent

This place is the epitome of an amazing college town diner! Badger decor, huge portions, completely affordable, hearty meals and awesome service! The ambiance is very chill and comfy. Just moved to Thai’s Taste and already went here twice (two days in a row) because there's really nothing like this place. It's going to be hard to find another place like this in regards to service, taste, portions & price! My husband and I will definitely be regulars here!

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